Sunday, February 11, 2007

Week 9, #23 The End

19 (things done from home)
3 (things done from work)
+ 1 (done from work, since I can't access my email from home)
23 things

This is my final entry. I'm 100% thrilled (51% a feeling of satisfaction and 49% a feeling of relief) that I made it this far. There were a lot of points where I didn't think I would see this post. Many of the "Things" were not new to me, but that doesn't mean they were easy or fast to do. This took a lot more time and effort than I expected. I can only imagine how others are feeling - especially those who looked but didn't start.

I'm lucky. My absolute favouritest lie-barian, who is the coolest, smartest lyeberry lady in the whole world thinks this is a good idea. That makes this a GOOD IDEA. If I do this, she might think I'm cool and smart too. Hmmm. "Look at me! I'm JUMPING! Both feet.....left foot.....right foot....jumping jacks.....someone get me a skipping rope....after that a pogo stick....I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY!"

Others may not be so motivated.

It's easy to say that nothing worth doing is easy, but keep in mind that nothing is done, if things are too hard. 23 things is a lot. 9 weeks is a long time. Everyone should feel like they can finish; people who haven't started yet don't feel that way. Thus, they aren't starting.

Next time, please, smaller and shorter.

Where's my prize?


LaSeal Djonz said...

Congratulations, Vanessa! You made it to the end. Be patient! The flash drive will come.

Virtual Services Team said...

We will probably do some sort of short survey at the end to gather comments, feedback etc. Thanks though for letting us know how you feel.

Mark said...

Yes. Vanessa Finished. I'm working on mine.